Community Caravan & Rally Against The Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement (CCFTA) Oct 10

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Dear Friends:

The Canadian mining company GREYSTAR should not proceed with its project to extract gold from the Páramo of Santurban (Colombia). It threatens the water supply of millions of persons and risks damaging the bio-diversity of the area. Although a new Colombian law prohibits mining at 3,200 meters above sea level, GREYSTAR is appealing the decision, hoping that it would be "grandfathered" into the new regulations. I hope you can consider to take action:

- Writing TO THE OFFICIALS OF GREYSTAR telling them that your are very seriously concerned about the environmental risks of their Angostura Project. Please insist that you oppose all mining in the Colombian paramos and believe they should not proceed with the Angostura Project.

Steve Kesler President CEO and Director Greystar Resources Ltd

Victoria Vargas Investor Relations

- Writing TO THE SENIOR MANAGER OF THE ENVIRONMENT DEPARTMENT OF THE WORLD BANK expresing that you are concerned about the serious environmental risk presented by the Angostura Project of Greystar in Colombia.The World Bank through the International Finnance Corporation has facilitated millions of dollars in funding for the Angostura Project. Maybe you can ask why they approved this funding when the environmental risks are so great.

Mr, James W. Evans :

NO MINING IN SANTURBAN! Informative video: (sorry Spanish only..)


Adriana Salazar

(416) 699 4527 ext 229

Rally in Solidarity with the People of Honduras WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, Brazilian Consulate

Rally in Solidarity with the People of Honduras Organized by the Latin-American Solidarity Network

Voices of Peace & Solidarity for Colombia