Capitalizing on Violence:
Canadian Corporate Investment in Colombia
Stewart Vriesinga,
Stewart is a Christian Peacemaker Team (CPT) volunteer who has been based in Colombia’s Middle Magdalena River region since 2005 doing accompaniment work with communities affected by neocolonialism, violence and displacement. As part of his CPT work, Stewart has also volunteered in Canada and Iraq and volunteered with Peace Brigades International (PBI) in El Salvador from 1990-1991.
Jasmin Hristov,
Author of "Blood and Capital: the Paramilitarization of Colombia" (Ohio University Press 2009); Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean (CERLAC); PhD Candidate in Sociology at York University
Friday, May 13th, 2011
OISE 252 Bloor Street West
room #5-1507:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
CASA- http://casatoronto.blogspot.
From April 13 to May 14, 2011, Stewart Vriesinga will be doing speaking tour in Ontario endorsed by the Latin American and Caribbean Solidarity Network (LACSN). This tour will focus on CPT’s frontline accompaniment solidarity work with Indigenous, Afro-Colombian, peasant and poor urban communities in Colombia facing ongoing paramilitary violence, mass displacement and state-sanctioned impunity. The tour will also address Canadian state and corporate interests in Colombia—such as mining or extractive industry investments and the Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement—and how these capitalist interests exacerbate violence, displacement and impoverishment.
Speaking Tour Schedule in Ontario